Roundup of Global Conflicts 9-5-11

Weekly Global Conflict OSINT Report (September 5th – September 11th)


  • A Texas oil company sent out a memo warning of violent thefts occurring at oil fields. Meanwhile in Kentucky, a traffic argument escalates to a shooting. Luckily it only resulted in minor injuries.
  • The La Roca prison in Ecuador is rocked by an explosive-laden drone but Ecuadorian officials say the larger attack was foiled.
  • El Salvador experiences the tragic loss of eight personnel in a helicopter crash.
  • A Jordanian truck driver launched a terrorist attack killing three at the Allenby Crossing between Jordan and the West Bank.
  • Israel struck a research facility believed to be used by Iranian forces in Syria in one of their largest air raids to date on Syria. In addition, Israel claims they’ve eliminated four Hamas commanders in a single strike.


North America

Incident: On the 6th of September, an unnamed West Texas (WTX) oil company issued a memo to employees about security concerns related to violent immigrant gangs originating from Cuba and Venezuela attempting to seize oil, diesel, and copper materials from oil fields.

Threat Level: Intermediate

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: If these concerns are grounded in reality, oil companies operating in states along the US-Mexico border should strongly consider increasing their security to protect valuable company assets from gangs and cartels.

Incident: On the 7th of September, a shooting on the I-75 near London, Kentucky left seven people injured, although some injuries were due to the ensuing traffic accidents.

Threat Level: Low

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: This incident turned out to be caused by an argument between multiple drivers resulting in the shooter attacking the drivers. Rather than attempt to mitigate an interpersonal dispute, the key takeaway, instead, would be that highways can be attacked to create disproportionate chaos and injuries should a malicious actor purposefully attempt to disrupt highway traffic. As such, an appropriate security action plan to prevent this type of attack should be established by law enforcement nationwide if such a plan isn’t already prepared.

South America

Incident: On the 9th of September, the La Roca prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador was attacked by an unknown drone carrying explosives.

Threat Level: N/A

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: While the attack was foiled per the Ecuadorian government, the usage of explosive-laden drones for small scale attacks like this is a worrying sign that additional anti-drone measures are necessary to ensure the safety and security of important facilities.

Incident: On the 9th of September, a helicopter belonging to the Salvadoran Air Force crashed in the San Eduardo area of Pasaquina, La Unión, El Salvador. The crash killed eight people including the Director General of the National Civil Police, Mauricio Arriaza Chicas.

Threat Level: N/A

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: Tragic accidents like this are best mitigated by ensuring proper and timely maintenance of any and all rotary wing vehicles in active service. Any delay in replacing parts or failing to inspect a helicopter can result in these types of tragic crashes.

Western Asia – Middle East

Incident: On the 8th of September, a truck driver from Jordan opened fire on the Allenby border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank. Three Israeli civilians were killed while the truck driver was killed by return fire. Israel has since closed the crossing.

Threat Level: Intermediate

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: This type of sudden attack demonstrated how terrorism against Israel continues to rise, striking without warning even in relatively secure areas. While strengthening any border crossings will provide additional protection, the only way to mitigate an attack like this is to respond faster than the attacker.

Incident: On the 8th of September, Israel launched one of their largest air raids on Syria targeting a research center near Masyaf in the province of Hama.

Threat Level: Intermediate

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: It is believed this research facility was used by Iranian and Syrian military forces. Civilians should keep their distance from these types of facilities for their own safety as Israeli strikes will happen with only a moment’s notice.

Incident: On the 10th of September, Israel claims to have killed all four of the commanders responsible for Hamas’ Tel Sultan battalion.

Threat Level: N/A

Risk Mitigation Recommendations: N/A















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